1451 Peters Mountain Road Dauphin PA 17018 phone: 717-921-8100 fax: 717-921-8276

Your Water, Your Future Newsletter Series
Click on a title to access an Adobe PDF file of each newsletter.
In 2007, DCCD received a grant from the League of Women's Voters Water Resource Education Network (WREN) to produce an 11-issue newsletter series, entitled "Your Water, Your Future", about water resources and stormwater management. The series was sent to elected officials and planning commission members of each of Dauphin County's 41 municipalities to familiarize them with these topics and introduce them to the municipal role in preserving and protecting our county's water resources.
Issue 1 - Stormwater 101

Issue 2 - The Water Cycle and Watersheds

Issue 3 - The Groundwater/Stormwater Connection
and Current Regulations

Issue 4 - Floodplains, Riparian Buffers and Wetlands

Issue 5 - Development: Impacts on Water Quality

Issue 6 - Development: Minimizing the Impacts

Issue 7 - A Word from Our Partners

Issue 8 - Navigating Stormwater Regulations
(Act 167 and MS4)

Issue 9 - The Economics of Stormwater Management

Issue 10 - Effective Stormwater Management in Action
BMPs in Use in Dauphin County

Issue 11 - Summary Issue: Key Facts About Stormwater